Perhaps one of the more interesting planets of the Cønëux system, LëtÎus is the barely habitable world where 90% of all SARF cores are Harvested. Other mining operations in other systems can find and refine SARF cores in Asteroid belts, but the quality and longevity of those cores is never as good as those found on LëtÎus.
at a mere 0.88 Spu, the planet is tiny even by Eos standards, but it supports the greatest trade of Cønëux system. As to why it has such a high concentration of materials for SARF cores is unknown. Until recently, the planet was not a focus of study due to it’s Indigenous population.
The make-up of the planet is Largely deserts, with a very few scattered tropics. Given it’s erratic orbit, the planet can have wildly Diverse summer/winter seasons, leading to amazing difficulty in Maintaining a Presence on the planet without great expense. This is one of the primary reasons SARF core are so expensive, since any outfit that wants to mine them must either rebuild every season, or pay the Enormous cost of building facilities to endure 190C+ Temperatures in summer, and -175C Temperatures in winter. The only positive thing about this planets seasons is its rainfall. Since only 22% of the planet’s surface is covered in water, the median rainfall for any given region is less than 0.09m/year.
The natives of this world are primitives, a throw back almost to stone ages, with few tools and little language capacity. Any large scale geology study would almost Certainly Interfere with their society and expose them to technology long before they would have found it on their own. Due to political fractures and governmental debates, no real agreement could ever be reached on the study of the planet – and scientific Inquiry into the planet is still strictly illegal. however, given the nature of the SARF core mining, studies for the purpose of locating new mine locations has always been a gray area.
there is a base on one of the two moons of this planet, LëtÎus Alpha, it is a major port for those operations Descending to the planet, or transporting SARF cores for processing. The second moon is barely large enough to qualify and is known only as Beta.