AABI Complexes
– Angeliqué Asteroid Belt Infrastructure complexes, or AABI complexes are the shops, mining rigs, offices, and homes of those who mine each of the belts.
– AABI complexes, or AABI’s are designated for the belt they can be found in, and the galactic location of each complex. For example, the innermost planetary core can be found on AABI one, north, or AABI1N.
– There are 4 of these designations, and four AABI complexes in each belt. Each AABI complex spans thousands of miles and can house over 1 billion people in each habitat, though none are currently at capacity, or even half way there.
– AABI’s do not have low-grav. each one is equipped with normal grav, which can be adjusted or cancelled for the transport of goods, as in all modern space stations.
– Each AABI is equipped with emergency life support and food enough to last its entire population over six months; though rescue efforts would be over long before six months was up.
– these complexes are considered to be the pinnacle of achievement, and many other systems are considering modeling their mining operations after these complex multi-thousand mile long working cities, especially when they give a place for the working class to live, far from the center of trade.